October 20th, 2017

Snapped Ankles – Moth Club + Radio X session

After taking their Epping rave equipment on tour around the country earlier this month, Snapped Ankles have returned to the forest. Nottingham, Margate, Leeds, Manchester, London and Brighton can start to get back to some sense of normality. But wait! More shows…

The woodwose have just announced a show at the Moth Club in Hackney on January 24th. Get your tickets now.

Before then, they will be taking in the sights of Colchester, Ghent and LiƩge, and playing the prestigious Trans Musicales Festival in Rennes.

In the meantime keep yourself occupied with their album Come Play The Trees, and this Radio X session from Wednesday.

snappedankles.com | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Live Dates | theleaflabel.com/snappedankles

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